Thank you TO Susan, for this Excellent LINK!!!
Sunday, October 8, 2006
The Moon Rolled into TAURUS Very Early in the AM
Very early in the AM near Midnite, the Moon finally went into a well needed Earth sign (Taurus), the only luminary or planet to be in Earth, grounding us all. I like the Taurus Moon, because people love each other more, there are more hugs, people connect better, and emotions are solidified. It's not so good for the Pro Football players as the Moon opposite Mercury and Jupiter in Scorpio is going to make for some rather Violent football games today, with unfortunately again, too many injuries. The Taurus Moon asks us to make Love, not War, but sad that many will misinterpret any lack of emotional expression as rejection or dejection. Instead, grin and bear it, give them a hug, a kiss, make love to them, and live happily through another 72 hour passage of the Moon. The Moon traverses all 12 signs once a month, setting the pace for emotional changes for us all, and triggering the circus of Karma in our lives. I will try to teach you some of these transformations as we go in my blog. Have a great Sunday, and get in your 8 to 20 hugs!!! (How many you behind, a million?)
Farley Malorrus,
Currently offering free RADIO STREAMING of 127 topics I did on L.A. radio in the 80's and 90's. Log in, Listen, Make a donation, have a great life!