On a Yahoo message board, Deepak Chopra phrased the question, "What happens to the Soul when you die?" Here is the answer I channeled for him:
Deepak, It's your Old Friend, Farley Malorrus. When you die, your soul responds to a magnetic charge that has been in action during your whole life. This charge is designed by the amount of obsession you have with Earth, Earthly Life, and Earthly things. SHould you shed your self of earthly needs, the soul is able to experience 'anti gravity,' and sail into the light which is a dimensional portal that leads to a heavenly realm. This is all about Karma. Karma is the weight your soul has depending on how many attachments, cravings, desires, wants, or needs on an Earthly scale. When an individual reaches a state of "Bodhisatva," either while alive or when dying, this is when the body is freed of Karma, and the soul which is affected by Earth's gravity, is allowed flight. IF your soul does not reach a state of "Bodhisatva," then the pull of karma brings it back to Earth to qualify for life in a human body if evolved enough, or the body of an animal or insect, depending on your personal growth, and amount of damage you may have done to the Earth plane which is sacred ground. In order for animal spirits or insect spirits to evolve to human, they must learn "Love." When a human is able to embrace "God's Love," as more important than anything or anyone on this planet, then they ascend to a "Bodhisatva" state, Karma Free, where the soul becomes weightless at death, the portal opens offerring the light, and without reservation, without thought, without looking back, without regret, or attachment, the soul goes into the light and ascends to a heavenly plane with the God Entity and all the heavenly people. That's the best way I can explain it. I have been to heaven in this life, and I have dreamed of it several times. To the best of my knowledge this is what happens to the soul at death. Your eternal Friend, Farley Malorrus, www.radioastrology.com