Vernal Equinox, Happy Astrological New Year
By Farley Malorrus
It's Saturday night, March 24, 2007, the first day of spring was a few days ago, which marks the SUN going into Aries, or the Vernal Equinox, when closure should be final, and as all the birds and the bees know, the rites of Summer. It was the week from Hell, but my Dad, like a cat with 20 lives is stable, on Dialysis, and I decided to head back to the wilderness where I am at home. So, with the Moon Wobble over, Mars eclipsing Neptune in Aquarius, exactly opposite the Sun in Leo, I find myself returned to normalcy, calm, and the peace of Lake Keeowee. I know not what the future will hold but for the meantime, balance is restored.
I learned a lot this week, and besides watching my salt and sugar intake, I met a diabetic lady on the plane and she has encouraged me to walk more, so exercise is now on the table.
It seems that this Astrological New Year has marked a new beginning for the Farley Mon. I hope it marks a new beginning for you too. As Dad once said, reminding me whenever someone got sick and died, "Life goes ON;" and so it does....
I know I'm being selfish here at my house on the lake, enjoying the forest, trees, animals, fresh air, no traffic, no hustle or bustle, just the simple life, but let me tell you, in a World gone mad with over 30,000 men and women maimed from the War, and with a President who thinks we are doing "good" over there, even though we are paying a steep price in flesh, somehow Congress gives him more money, with a chance to end the War and he threatens to veto. One wonders how long the War would last if President Bush, and Dick Cheney's kids were soldiers and at risk. Unless they didn't care about their own kid, I don't think it would last long. To me, life is sacred, and putting anyone's life at risk in a questionable agenda is wrong. I'm shocked that the House even sanctioned the money at all, and my take is they ALL SHOULD BE FIRED.
Ah, Democracy, where you need papers to go from state to state by plane or train, and where our young kids are being killed and maimed in the name of a questionable agenda. This is supposed to keep us safe. If you take a look at Walter Reed Hospital I would doubt you would say we are safe.
In any event, I'm not angry, but it's frustrating to see someone from my generation making a mess of the Presidency and the World. I need to say that, as I'm just numb from the whole political process, and upset with ALL the elected and appointed officials who pretend to be 'qualified' to run anything much less a Turkey Race.
IT reminds me of an old Saying. Mr. President, next time you decide to risk life for the sake of a selfish agenda, I beg you to think, "What would Jesus Do?"
I doubt Jesus would declare war on anyone for anything.
OH well, I needed to vent, as it was a tough week and I'm tired of seeing so much retardation in the news. Besides, it's not really news, it's only what they want us to see.
That is what a Mars/Neptune Eclipse opposite Saturn is all about. World leaders making fools of themselves.
Thank God for Lewis Black, the most intelligent person I ever heard.
More later.
Farley Malorrus,