9 Days left to end of Moon Wobble....3/13/07, it's Over
Ana Nicole Smith has Died, Departed won Best Picture/Director, Dick Cheney almost dies, Dick Cheney gets blood clot in the leg, Bush may change his mind on the war,The Stock market has fallen over 500 points, and lots of disappointments, setbacks and surprises so far. Still, this months Moon Wobble is 28 days long, it will peak on 3/6, then 7 days later it's over.
Will the stock market continue to fall? Most likely it may keep falling until at least Tax Time, April 16, due to all the planetary aspects. Will it fall the last 9 days of the Wobble? Anything is possible, and one thing is for sure, as far as stocks go, I'd be cautious. ON the other hand, Tax Free, Insured Municipal Bonds are soaring in value, fancy that! So, investing in governments at this time, might not be such a bad idea.
For me, I sail through these wobbles expecting a 10%to 15% success rate at all I try, meet, do, or ponder. I'm never surprised when the bubbles burst, or the stock market falls, or movies PAN, or some blood curdling violent shoot em up like the Departed wins an award. TO me, this is a time to heal, to ponder, to complete, to do maintenance, clean up your act, have closure, and be a better person. The world wears a veil, and 4 times a year, 28 days each time, when the Sun is at odds with the Moons nodes, the veil is lifted. Did you happen to see that awesome Lunar eclipse the other day by chance? That could have been the biggest bubble of all, but in 48 hours, if you are expecting a miracle, don't hold your breath.
A humorous part of this current Moon Wobble, is John McCain, 'sort of,' announced his candidacy for President on David Lettermen's show this last week. Will that be to his doom, not only because he is one of the few whom support this unwinnable war, but because he announced during the Wobble? I think there is a 90% chance YES, it will be his downfall. I'm thinking OBAMA, and HILLARY announced at the beginning of the Wobble, but John Edwards was way before. I give the nod to John Thompson, actor, and former Senator from Virginia, and John Edwards as two early dark horses to win their parties nominations, due to avoidance of activity during the Wobble. Time will tell and we shall see. I meanat least I got the Cardinals, sort of the Colts, and the Stock Market Crash, so at least using Astrology, some times I am right. One thing is for sure,the MIAMI HEAT will not repeat as NBA Champions, because with their star Dewayne Wade out with an injury during the current wobble, even with Pat Riley, their chances are now slim, even with Shaq.
So, that's my take on the current state of things, keep your head down, keep the faith, say your prayers, and in 9 days, the Sun/Moon will continue it's normal rotation sans Wobble.
Hold your breath for the stock market until tax Time, 4/16, and let's hope it doesn't fall a total of 1,000 points or God help us, even more. To all those who took my advice, and sold before the Wobble, KUDOS, you saved a fortune, and to those who lost their butts, you have my sympathy. Just watch your back side this next 45 days!
Farley Malorrus
www.radioastrology.com (Where you can hear the best of over 200 audio topics I did, no charge, and by donation, if you have a heart!)