Feeling Funny lately? Weird? Out of sorts? It's not You....Venus, Mars, and Pluto....Jupiter and Uranus, Saturn and Neptune all in stress aspect! Fancy that!
By Farley Malorrus
I love this time of year...Ahh, Spring....all day long I've been reciting this Christian Childrens prayer:
"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray to God my Soul to keep, and if I die before I wake, I pray to God my soul to take.."
Oh well, I'm thinking, what's up with you Farley? Why are you freaking out?
My charts on fire, that's why. My Uranus and Venus are being torn apart by Venus, Mars, and Pluto. That's like saying my Karma ran over my Dogma, and I'm having a heck of a CATastrophe.
Yeah, Venus in Cancer, was just exactly opposite Pluto in Gemini yesterday, not my best day, and Now, with Mars going into Aries, in Stress to Pluto AND Venus, most people are just scurrying around to make ends meet.
I got my bills forwarded to me 'late' yesterday by my trusted postal service, about 3 weeks late! I guess with Pluto opposite my Uranus (Pluto at 29 Sag, my Uranus at 29 Gemini), it could drive anyone crazy, but if you knew how much money I paid out in bills today you would faint, dead to rights.
I became an Astrologer to try and understand the chaos, havoc, break ups, emotions, ups & downs, cycles, people, life in general. Trust me, I wouldn't be here today without the knowledge of this gigantic magnetic system we live in. Even though you may be Farley Malorrus and have a HUGE edge on the World knowing what is going on, sometimes thinking you can FEEL Everyone in the World and their pain, it isn't always a blessing. Yesterday I was surrounded by Angels, and it wasn't a mistake, because they knew what kind of HELL Today was going to be.
So, in the last 40 days, I survive Dad almost dying (miracle recovery), Molar Root Canal, bills lost, then paid finally, ridiculous people trying to get into my life, that I have nothing in common with (a huge drain), and the politics of dancing to boot (what's that Farley?) Well, at least I have God to lean on, when dealing with the triviality and delusion of existence and existentialism on top of it. When you get right down with it, life is really over, we are in heaven, and this is a recording we need to watch to evolve and not get bored. The Stars, Sun, Moon, Planets, and Galaxies are like a huge hard drive, (Notice they all go in circular motion just like a record or a hard drive) that keeps spinning off ad infinitum trying to make sense of all of it for us.
So, who's idea was it to make us 8 strand DNA humans instead of 12 strand which is normal? Why is it our consciousness is limited as is our brain capacity? WHy must it be a huge game of us trying to figure everything out, make the right choices, hope we don't get cursed to eternal hell, or end up in a God awful job or marriage? Why does it sometimes seem like it is a huge game, and that we are just puppets.
Imagine, human beings with only an average of like 12% brain capacity. If we had 30%, we could call God up on our cell phones, but no, 12% maybe 16% if you are Einstein, and still you have people out there fighting and killing each other over who's version of God or Allah is correct. Yeah, right, God's over there in the corner on the floor laughing so hard, he can barely breathe and we are killing ourselves trying to figure it all out.
Then along comes a month like I've had where the maintenance of life and the mechanics of living and survival are at issue, and I find myself taking it personal.
Now, you understand that Prayer I made? Just trying to get some perspective. Well, if you are having a hard time this week, feeling lonely, depressed, out of sorts, out of synchronization, or just batty, trust me, a lot of people are like that now. A continuous dose of computers, Internet, TV, movies, books, newspaper, magazines and everything you are addicted to has it's way of making you feel like you are behind and missing something like some new technology that just came out that made everything else that came out last month, obsolete?
Who's in charge here anyways?
Well, I don't want to bore you with all this, but suffice it to say that Venus, Mars, and Pluto are going berserk, along with Jupiter and Uranus, and also Saturn and Neptune which makes this week a perfect week to go into suspended animation or hibernation for about 2 years, wake up to a new world (if it's still here) a new President, and very different planetary placements. I'm hoping you are getting a grin or two out of this post listening to me ramble in total clarity and sobriety about feeling disconnected from just about everything. I'll be fine! Don't worry about me! I'm ok! Just fine thanks.
Be at Peace.
Your bud.