STOCK MARKET CRASHES, As Predicted by Farley Malorrus 1/8/07
Dow Plunges 500 Then Gains Some Back02/27/07 15:40 EST
NEW YORK (AP) - The Dow Jones industrial average fell more than 500 points today before gaining some of it back. The Dow dropped 546.02, or 4.3 percent, to 12,086.06 before recovering some ground. It was down 360.42, or 2.85 percent, at 12,271.84 with about a half hour of trading left.
This was my Post from January 8, 2007:
Stock Market remains Stable as Planets run Amok
By Farley Malorrus
Thankfully, the stock market didn't crash this morning, and there was no panic sell off. Still, we have at least 3 months to get through one of the tightest planetary shifts in a long time. The stress of Jupiter with Uranus, and Neptune opposite Saturn remains. A strange smell surfaced on the streets of Manhattan, New York this AM, and they still haven't figured out what it is. I'm not surprised at anything we may read in the news this week, or at the results of what they find out that smell to be. Hopefully, it will not be anything harmful. Leo still leads the pack as the sign under the most stress and February will be the biggest test of the year for them. Aquarius would be a close second of those people having the most responsibility at this time, and needed maintenance to certain areas of their lives. I was also hoping we could avoid a major flu epidemic, or worse a pandemic, hoping if people do get sick that they have enough sense to stay at home and not spread it.
You heard it 1st HERE, and On
the "X ZONE" Radio Show, when I was
On as a guest...
By Farley Malorrus
If you were lucky enough to read my journal and/or listen to my segment when I was on "X Zone" radio, you now know my prediction of the STOCK MARKET CRASH, that I said would happen between Mid January and April, and unfortunately, TODAY IT HAPPENED.
At that time, I thought Google and other stocks would plummet from the Moon Wobble and other stressful Astrological Aspects. I don't often like to hear or see the market crash as it did today, but I'm not sure it's over. If you were a fan of this Blog or heard me on the radio, you were pre warned of this incident.
For those that do not believe in Astrology, this is yet again further proof that Astrology does work in predicting economic trends.
Sad to see it happen, but you read about it, or heard it first here.
Let's hope you stay away from the market during this unstable period.
Farley Malorrus