Astrology is SO much more than Sun Signs. It's all about "your chart!" An Astrology chart is like a 'photograph' of the Solar System with all the planets (including Pluto!), the Sun, the Moon, and whatever is Rising in the East in the City of your Birth. So, you have 11 Factors basically in your chart. It is all about "Location." This means the PLANETS are located in areas of space known as CONSTELLATIONS, historically the 12 signs of the ZODIAC, are the constellations that are important because these areas of space are where the planets, Sun, and Moon travel.
So, when you get your chart DONE, you find out where your '11 factors,' are located. The Sun, The Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the Eastern Horizon called RISING SIGN.
Astrologers believe that these 11 factors analyzed scientifically define a unique vibration that we all absorb as babies that defines our personality, life potential, and basically 12 total factors that offer vibrational look at most every area of your life. There is no guesswork here, no fortune telling. It is all based on Scientific Astronomical locations, that have correlated through the centuries (To Astrology practicioners), certain specific variables that interpret uniqueness in individuals. I got into Astrology in 1976, when my life was a mess, and no matter whom I went to, no one seemed to completely understand who I was or what had happened to me (Catastrophic divorce), until I met the Astrologer. If you called me for a reading for example, (310) 415-9222, (Visa/Mastercard accepted), then I could email your chart, and give you a reading if you paid for the call.
OR, you can send me $6.95 to Farley, 2265 Westwood Blvd. #110, L.A., Ca. 90064 and I would email you a full color copy of your BIRTH CHART, if you wanted it. I would need your full name at birth, your date of birth, time of birth (AM or PM), and CIty of Birth to do it accurately.
That's the facts about Astrology. TO learn more, log in to my website, to hear for FREE (by Donation) over 100 topics from L.A. radio all about Astrology and Spirituality. The site is
That's the latest from Farley's Blog!
Farley Malorrus,