The Karma of Love,
By Farley Malorrus
This Love thing is SO important when it comes to understanding KARMA, as SO MANY of us freely give our love to parents, friends, spouses, children, and siblings only for us to rarely be #1 to them. How many millions of women are involved in love affairs and marriage and they consider their man #1 in their hearts only to feel 'way down' on the list below parents, job, close buds, tv shows, sports, children, beer, pot, liquor, girlfriends, then maybe YOU. Same with the guys, it's unrequited love on many ends on this planet where we give our love willingly and people become our heroes or heroines, only for us to be way down on the priority list. Men often times come 2nd to their cats, their dog, their female friends, the kids, their woman's group, working out, then comes them. How many millions of children freely give love to their parents, making them #1 no matter what, and yet the parents put their career, their tv shows, their parents, their brothers and sisters, even their friends and hobbies ahead of the kids.
It sucks often to be in a world where love can be graded or judged like the colors of the spectrum, and where love is so often unbalanced. I've studied relationships much of my life, and I've come to the conclusion that the reason why the divorce rate is so high is that if people are not #1 mutually, to each other, that the marriage will never work. I know my parents argue, fight, and yell now for 69 years of matrimony, but what freaks me out is that with all that abuse, they are still #1 to each other, and that is why the marriage works. Dads made tons of mistakes, and Mom has made few, but that marriage goes strong because they are #1 to each other and it's obvious, because the World and everyone in it is clearly #2 and beyond.
Everyone LOVES feeling special and who wouldn't want to feel #1? When I was on Los Angeles radio from 1983 to 1996, it seemed that no matter what I did, or where I went, there were adoring fans, and people who assumed I was their friend when I hardly knew them. It was a good feeling to have so much love and affection then. Unlike most common people, I had to be on the radio, with a hit show, at 12 noon to gain the attention, love, and respect of people who would not ordinarily give 2 cents for me, if I were not on the radio. Sadly, but that is how life works! Doctors, lawyers, rock stars, talk show hosts, djs, musicians, artists, singers, dancers, pretty people, models, and those with great bodies, and a large bank account easily get the adoration, and craving of love and friendship from people coming out of nowhere. It is how the human species works. When we see an "Alpha," or pack leader, someone who rises to the top, is in front of the crowd, 'everyone' wants to love that person, be with that person, be accepted by that person, and be loved by that person. It does not guarantee you will get love back mutually, and maybe that is why a lot of celebrities run off with each other, because they want to be their own #1 fans, hence Brad Pitt and Angelie Jolie, amongst tons of others.
Still, the World of Love can be a world of pain and unbalance, unrequited or unreturned love for the masses, and even for the "Alpha," who may get tired of the ones they are with, and be addicted to new adoration from others. In any event, the Karma runs deep for those with Saturn in Libra (Karma in Relationships), Saturn in Scorpio (Karma with Sex and intimacy), Saturn in Cancer, (My Dad, Karma with feelings), and Saturn in Leo (Karma with family and romance). That amount of Saturn in those signs covers about 35% of all the people you would meet, so as we see the Karma of love is quite the circus, and even if people are married, together, or have been together all their lives, it doesn't mean that there is mutual love, or that they are even happy.
This is a time in history, unlike any other, in that with all the free sex of the 60's, and women's liberation, now we have more single people in their 40's, 50's, and 60's per capita, then anytime in the history of the World. That is sad to me, because once we were a planet that had focus on family, children and love; now, we are a planet of nomads wondering in the wilderness trying to find love.
At this time, during the holidays, the karma of love, romance, marriage, and commitment strike me, as I am one of those nomads who is unmarried, and frankly this can be quite a lonely time of year, especially if when you see your family it is bad enough you have no mate or spouse, that you have to see your family also fight with each other.
It is my dream that one day the human race learn how to love and give priority to those that love them without turning the other cheek, running off to the gym, the tv set, the computer, the boys, the girls, the kids, the cats, Mom, Dad, or work; and reach out to each other with authenticity, love, affection, and true compassion.
That is why it is a blessing if you are alone to be spiritual, to pray and to hold the spirit of God close to your heart so you can feel God's love to nurture you and nourish you, and so that you don't have to be in a one sided friendship or relationship. You can be at peace unto yourself with God's Love.
Farley Malorrus,
Listen to me Tomorrow Tuesday at 9pm PST on The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show.....The web address for the live feed is:
Happy Holidays Everyone!!