Saturday, October 21, 2006

Scorpio Transits Hit in the next 24 to 84 hours..

I'm feeling darn good with Sun, Mars, Venus, and the Moon trine my Uranus and Venus. What Farley? For those who don't know, The Sun, Moon, and two planets Venus and Mars are going into Scorpio, the Moon tonight and the rest in the next 3 days. Scorpio cleanses, Scorpio cleans, Scorpio renews and sweeps away the old to bring about the new. The night dies and the day is reborn. I say this to all of you, expect a Miracle this week. Expect something even better than Kim Jung II, or George Bush doing something unexpected, but expect even better things. The National Election is coming up, and I tell you, I expect government in Washington and all over the country to have the biggest change in Earth history. The people get freaked out and the people react. I do feel a shift of consciousness on this planet now, and peace being made, old karma being cleared and resolved, people all over embracing challenges, love in the air, lots of marriages, a bigger baby boom, and maybe even the Underdog St. Louis Cardinals could win a World Series. Something good is happening, and although I haven't had much faith in humanity or human leadership the last 30 years, NOW, TODAY, this Week, this next 30 days, I am bullish on America, Americans, George Bush, the Electorate, and the potential this great country of ours has during the entrance of the MOON, THE SUN, Venus, and MARS in Scorpio, the latter to remain there for at least 30 days. This could be the best time in along time for Pisces and Cancer the complimentary water signs to Scorpio. That means LOVE, as water is emotions and when Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio are in communion it's great. I'm speaking of course, of Uranus in Pisces, acting as a catalyst for explosive spiritual growth, and karma resolution on a grand scale. Fasten your seat belts, put your tray table in an upright position, and get ready for take off!

Be at Peace, share the love, tell someone you LOVE them today!

Farley Malorrus,

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