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Earth on the Verge of Karma Correction, "What goes around Comes Around!"
By Farley Malorrus, www.radioastrology.com
President Bush making choices the Democracy is against along with most of the World; Congress being impotent, Darfur genocide, Catholic Church in catastrophe with child abuse from it's Priests, Abortion run wild, Health Care World Wide in a mess, relationships shattered, dreams shattered, heart disease, cancer, aids, SARS, Crib Death, kidnapping, people getting away with crime, tons imprisoned who are innocent, Girls Gone Wild, Porno dominating Internet, World gone Crazy....Media, Congress, President, and politics OWNED by Corporations and vested interests, and on and on.......
The Roman Empire Fell, The Napoleonic empire fell, the Ottoman empire fell, Ancient Greece fell, Ancient Egypt Fell, The empires of Genghis and Kublai Khan fell, and every single empire in the history of the World has fallen. Why not US? The World is in such a crazy and fragile state with lies, corruption, murder, manipulation, genocide, politics, and war dominating the world scene, and most people living from paycheck to paycheck, while others are on the street, and the rich get richer. The funny thing about Karma is, it always jumps up and BITES EVERYONE IN THE ASS. No one escapes KARMA, not Elvis, Not Kennedy, Not Jesus, Not Nixon, Not Clinton, Not Bush, Not Napoleon, not anyone! You must be so careful as to your choices in life as this dimension is so very sacred and fragile, and life on Earth is so very sacred and fragile, that will all the craziness, abuse, manipulation, lies, and delusions, not to mention WAR, I have a bad feeling that something terrible is about to happen to change it all by the end of this year. My dad always told me, "Farley, whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." I believe that with all my heart, and I do believe that if something drastic and earth shaking does happen to the Planet, the President, Congress, Washington, New York, or L.A., that it will certainly be some kind of payback to a World gone mad. It drives me crazy all the death, dying, suffering, killing, genocide, and corruption that goes on every day on this planet for the sake of power, money, and control. It hasn't worked yet in World History, and Karma has a funny way of balancing things one way of the other. Real Estate did stop growing, the Market did go up but then it stopped, and lots of companies went bust; relationships are at an all time failure rate with so many single people and the divorce rate out of sight, and the value of the dollar has gone way down over the last 50 years, but the minimum wage has only gone up slightly.
This must be the way they force Fascism on us in a subtle and invisible way, so that most all people who have little or nothing become slaves to the system, while the rest of the World (The 2% that are wealthy), grovel in their mansions, high rise office buildings, beach houses, and limousines. Funny, how BIG BROTHER did take over with his homeland security, surveillance cameras, Fascist militias, and control without America flinching over being taken over by this Beast that now owns us all. Property tax, income tax, Estate tax (Death tax), sales tax, luxury tax, cigarette tax, alcohol tax, gas tax, and so on and so on. Wasn't this country founded on "taxation without representation, called a Tea Tax?" Funny how things change.
Well, the good news is, no worries, with all the other empires crumbling, eventually this game will end also, as God rears his head and karma corrects all the indulgences, lies, deceit, and betrayal that exists in the World today at every level. Some people will tell you it's 'Ok' and that everything will be just fine, because the Democrats or Republicans will save us. Don't believe it. The Democrats and Republicans are both owned by Big Oil and Big Health Care so none of them will budge an inch without 'permission' from the lobbyists. It saddens me what the world has become and how manipulated a species we are by the BIG WIGS that run the game.
To me, it's like a BIG HOUSE OF CARDS, fragile, huge, unstable, and about to crumble at any moment. It would not take much to bring it all down. Not much at all. I pray we all be safe and survive whatever it is to come, but I still feel that it's Karma Time and that those who have not kept a clean house of morals are about to pay the piper and deal with the Grim Reaper.
Sorry, I've been away awhile, as I've been dealing with family business, but I still send my LOVE to all of you, and as always pray for PEACE, TRUTH, LOVE, and HOPE. Something we find a shortage lately with those who run the game. No worries, they shall get just what's coming to them. Wasn't that a line in ALIEN?
Have a great week!
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God Bless!
The Shock and Awe of a Saturn Return
By Farley Malorrus, www.radioastrology.com
I suggest if you are turning 30, 60, or 90 you go to my website and listen to all the audio files you can find on the SATURN RETURN. This is a critical time in our lives when SATURN RETURNS TO WHERE IT WAS WHEN WE WERE BORN, some 30 years later. Astrologers believe Saturn is the Lord of Karma, the collector of debts, the payback Planet, the planet that makes us serve or suffer. I tend to agree to this. When I had my first Saturn Return, that last 2.5 years before you turn 30, 60, and/or 90 (that's right it's 2.5 year effect!), my best friend Michael Alcana died in a car wreck and it destroyed me. I am much older and wiser now, and seem to handle the death of loved ones better (My Dad died 6/13, and I'm chilled about it.)
Still, when Saturn returns to it's birth point (Mine being 25 Leo, and Saturn is at 22 Leo approx right now) then the Karma of your life is lit up.
It depends what Sign Saturn is in when you are born, what house, and how it is affected or aspected by the rest of the Planets in your birth horoscope, as to what you will go through. It never fails that most people have 'quite a story,' when they approach 30, 60, or 90 from this affect. My Mom is 89, so she is in one, and of course I am in my 2nd Saturn cycle along with my partner Kenneth.
So, Saturn in Leo for me, Leo meaning 'father, family, leadership,' has cast me in a role of dealing with the death of my dad, suddenly having to care for Mom (family), and a leadership role of dealing with his complicated estate. Saturn is in the 11th house with me (Goals and Friends) and onceagain my goals are put on hold (writing books, acting, producing, doing the web site, dating, finding love, relationship, marriage, and so on) and although I do have friends, I don't feel like there are as many close friends, everyday types that I used to have. When I woke up this morning I had Saturn on my mind, as it all makes sense now, while in a state of calm by the lake for 3 months, suddenly tossed into a World of Karma, responsibility, chaos, and adjustment. I am not alone, because everyone, including our dear President Bush, (who just turned 60), and all those born in 46, 47, and 1948, also, 1976, 1977, and 1978, or 1916, 1917, and 1918 are in the middle of a Saturn Cycle. Two close friends of mine, Phil Sosnoff, and Rich Fitzgerald whom I went to school with both suddenly just died and they were in the middle of a Saturn cycle, once again Leo ruling Heart and Heart Health, as theirs gave out. It helps a great deal to understand how the gravity and energy system of the planets work, and how they affect us at a cellular level, considering our cells are literally imprinted with the "Universe" at birth, giving us uniqueness, designing character, destiny, Karma, and our potential. This imprint is called the Natal or Birth Chart, which we cast at the instant the baby takes it's first breath. The rest of our lives, this 'cell circuit,' is set off by the Sun, Moon, and other planets moving through space creating mini dramas of which we learn and grow from. We are truelly magnetic beings, and those that embrace and understand Astrology are given an incredible 'edge,' in understanding how life works. Magnetic beings in a magnetic Universe is what it is all about.
SO, if you recall turning 30, or 60, and what happened the 2.5 years before that, then you will now understand that it was KARMA TIME for you, and if you went through a huge adjustment, then NOW you know what happened. You were having a Saturn Return. In case you need to read this over a few times to digest it, it might help, but I highly suggest to learn more on the subject to go to www.radioastrology.com and 'click on,' THE SATURN RETURN, to get the full audio effect.
I believe that much in life is explainable and that understanding ourselves as energy beings, magnetic, in a magnetic Universe, and reaching 'beyond,' what normal science dictates, could help you understand this phenomena called life.
Thanks for dropping by.
Farley Malorrus
Moving Dad's 1000 lb Pool Table, and They paid me $200!
By Farley Malorrus, www.radioastrology.com
The Pool table is gone, the shuffle board table is gone, and all for $245 total. These two genius/engineer type video arcade game (Air Hockey) movers from Colton, Ca., Vern and Evan came in here with block and tackle, pulleys, ropes and strength, and commitment and moved a 1000 lb pool table down two flights of stairs out the door and into their truck. First they took it apart into 1000 pieces, and then they moved the 900 lb Marble top down the stairs. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.
They got here at 3pm, and left at 5am, 15 hours later.
This was the most amazing engineering technique I had ever seen, and I'm certain NO TWO people in the World could have accomplished moving Dad's cherished Pool Table from the Game room out of the house as they did.
I'm sure God/Jesus sent these guys to me and my Mom.
Now, I'm living in the 'game room,' of Mom's house, and have comfort and a new Queen bed to sleep in. Next comes the Jacuzzi Tub. Life has changed since my Father died 6/13, but I am adjusting, and trying to take care of my Mom and her financials.
That's what happened to me on 7/7/7
See you all. Amazing thing to watch these guys balance 1000 lbs all the way out the door without destroying the house or killing themselves.
Farley (Whew) Just woke up at 12:30pm!
P.S. Craigslist DOES WORK!
The 7/7/07 alignment has strong spiritual significance as well.
Farley Malorrus, a Los Angeles astrologer who runs www.radioastrology.com, says the number has deep significance.
"It's not an accident that 7-7-7 is the jackpot on a slot machine," Malorrus says. "Twenty-one is a very godly number."
Malorrus says 777 is often seen as a godly counterpart to 666, which is described in the Bible as the mark of the beast, or devil.
Astrologically, Saturn is opposing Neptune, according to Malorrus, which could signal powerful global events within the next 60 days.
"A lot of people feel some sort of retribution in the world could occur," Malorrus says.
On a more personal level, Malorrus also suggests that Saturday would be a good day for a person to make a list of goals, to sell a stock or buy a bond, to start a business or to invest.
It's also a good day to travel, maybe on a Boeing 777.
Malorrus also says any baby born on July 7 will have a leg up in the luck department.
Interestingly enough, a year, a month and a day from Saturday will be 8/8/08, which is also significant.
"In comparison, 8/8/08 represents prosperity," Malorrus says, "(July 7) is more spiritual."
Hello All. IN my Analysis of all the Presidential Candidates, I have found that Bill Richardson, is THE ONLY CANDIDATE that is not "Owned" by vested interests and Corporations. If the United States is to go forward in the 21st Century without Pharmaceutical companies, Health insurance companies, lobbyists, and other vested interests directing us, BILL RICHARDSON would have to be elected President.
I have made an in depth study of this issue, and although Bill is a liberal, and quite open minded, I feel with all my heart at this time, that he would be the only choice to assure that the War would end, that there be National Health Care FREE, and that Democracy be prevailed in this Century. All other candidates are 'owned' by vested interests and corporations, which as you know is not good, considering our current administration owned by Halliburton and the 'greedy' Health Care industry.
This is just my take, but when it comes to President, I feel the next President is critical to our survival.
More later.
Farley Malorrus, www.radioastrology.com
I had a dream this man would be President and save America. It was quite vivid.