Thursday, October 5, 2006


Hey all! Welcome to the blog...The Moon is going into Aries tonight for 2 and 1/2 days, which can mean big trouble for lots of people. Frankly, with the SUN, MARS, and VENUS in the opposite sign to ARIES, Which is LIBRA, that creates Bucu Stress for Aries and Libra People in General. WHy? Because the MOON ruling emotions, Sun ruling strength and Power, Mars life force and sex, and Venus ruling Love and money; then you put the MOON at the opposite to those 3, SUN, Mars, and VENUS, and KAPOW, you have tons of stress in Astrology called an Opposition. Ever have one of those fights with someone you love and you don't know why? IF you are CANCER, LIBRA, ARIES, OR CAPRICORN, get ready for the Lunar Roller Coaster the next 72 hours from this transit. Frankly, Many of you have planets in ARIES, LIBRA, CANCER, and Capricorn; which means the next 72 hours you may need a few beers after or during work if you know what I mean. I'm not advocating drinking, but I'm just stressing out that the world may seem like it's on fire with this aspect. I'm trying to teach you Pilgrims Astrology, so it's all about angles, geometry, aspects, and combinations of elements, some being good, and others being not so good. Of course, there is a complete course offerred for FREE right now, at , called ASTROLOGY I, ASTROLOGY II, ASTROLOGY III, and ASTROLOGY IV, that would give you a great idea as to what I'm talking about and how to follow these things your self. My gift to the World, knowledge. OF course, a nice donation to help run the site is always appreciated by those of you with a heart. If you have no heart, then no biggie.
Have a blessed day, and watch out for that ARIES MOON. There's a reason why ARIES RULES WAR, and If I were in IRAQ right now, I'd keep my head down, and away from all conflict.
Farley Malorrus,


Anonymous said...

The ABC's of Astrology on your RadioAstrology site is a great starter as well, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I agree, that the show the ABC's of Astrology is great for beginners and intermediate....Thanks for the comment! FM