Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Did you survive the Scorpio Transits? Sagittarius should equal Freedom By Farley Malorrus

In a World that's filled with Football, fakers, fast foods, fillies, friends, fascists, frankinsense, fantasy, fairies, filling stations, fillibusters, franks, facets, faucets, finks, fabrics, falicies, fault lines, fancy finishes, fixings, fashion, functions, felines, front lines, fast cars, fallen stars, finicky bars, I guess it's always good to know theres also Farley. I'm sure glad I know how to meditate, pray, visualize, center and calm myself, as getting through November could be a problem. Still, even though you may feel like you are on the Titanic, with the sea frozen, and the ship sinking, the good news is, that once you die, at least you can embrace the light, and spend the rest of eternity with God.

With that said, how's your Thanksgiving week going? I'm hoping you haven't lost a son or daughter in the War, or a relative or friend, and that your family is happy and healthy, also that maybe your bills are caught up and you are happy with your job. I'm also hoping you are not someone who finally decided to list their real estate, now that the rush is over, it may be a little too late. WE live in a World where they may want to reinstate the Draft for our 18 year olds, when in truth what we need is a DRAFT FOR GOVERNMENT employees ONLY. I know there is about as much chance as Congress approving that bill as a SnowBall in Heck, but if it was like that, we would have few if any Wars. Funny, how some Congressmen in New York (Is it Rangel, the famous Korean War veteran), would love to put ALL OUR CHILDREN In harm's way, just so Congress won't let some President go to war. Happy Thanksgiving, and welcome to America! I think George Washington would reconsider that little trist.

So, here we are on the verge of the Sagittarius transits, with Mercury, Venus, Mars, the Sun, and Jupiter all headed into the sign of Peace, the sign of Love, the Sign of Freedom, and the biggest Moon Wobble of the year. Still, it feels like something is amiss. Even Astrology may not be able to pull us out of some of the Karmic mess we are in, or about to enter, unless we can all pull together, and visualize something positive. The funny thing about humor, is that you usually need to show someone wanting something, and then conflict to get the laughs. Sounds like the War in Iraq and Afghanistan, as everyone wants something the other doesn't, and there is plenty of conflict.

I say One Day at a time. I'm not sure what all of you are going through, but I'll say this, I for one, feel like I'm being tested in a very big way at this time, and if it wasn't for my faith, persistence, support troops, and prayers, I'm not quite sure how I would have handled it. One thing is for sure, November has never been my favorite month, and I'd just for once like to see a happy, loving, sharing, caring, compassionate Christmas, without everyone running around thinking 'buying things for people,' is the way to be, when all we really need, is love, understanding, compassion, and maybe some eye contact after a nice long warm hug.

If you are in the colder part of the world, do me a favor, and take all your old clothes that you don't wear, and those worn out blankets and keep them in the car, so when you pass by a homeless person, take a moment to get out of the car, and give them what you can as far as warm clothing, blankets, and even $20 or $50 as a token of good faith for whatever love and compassion may be left in the human race. Also, remember that this time of year is the BEST time to tithe, especially if you have NOTHING, remember the formula for getting things is to GIVE, and this is the best time for humans to share their abundance with those who have none. I think that just about wraps up the Scorpio and Sagittarius epic in a nutshell. Now, it's time for me to go to my Dad's house and take him and Mom to his Doctor, as he is not feeling to well. (Does anyone feel good at 91?) I'm hoping my Dad survives this part of his life, but I do hate to see him suffer, as I love him very much. So, this is the time of the year, that I feel good about giving, helping, sharing, and being compassionate where I can, because so many don't even care what's going on.

I have hope that as we approach the Capricorn transits after the MOON WOBBLE, (Xmas and New Years), that everything will improve in this World. I have hope, but there is never any guarantee unless we actually do something to help someone.

Be at Peace.

Farley Malorrus. www.radioastrology.com


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Astro Farley:

Your admonitions that we store warmth in our cars to share with those who have none - RIGHT NOW- may be the most crucial thing which you have ever written.
We, humans, are at a pivotal stage in this moment in time and if we don't chose love? Offer LOVE? somthing else will be chosen for us. Your blog today speaks so poignantly to the unseen world- the Scorpionic world of deeply transforming events in personal and the larger cultural body--- the secret work, burdens , wounds which we so often either don't see or pretend do not exist - in our lives or others. Thank you for your call to us all to meet, unasked, the needs which we may see around us. This choice is where we will find our joy, our hope and ultimately...our power.
My roomate has been feeling sorry for himself. He decided to help the food bank today , give out Turkeys for Thanksgiving. The stories of misfortune he said were
stunning and copious .... people who thought that they were in *safe harbor* suddenly finding themselves by virtue of misfortune, accident, job loss ....in very different circumstances. As the world changes as it will before things become *better* .... we must keep our eyes on others. Turn our hearts out like the sleeves on our jackets and if we reach out ? We'll all get there together and faster.
MHO. May your November wind down peacefully , Farley with no loud punctuations
to be found anywhere at the end of the Scorpionic Phase.
Looking forward to the Jupiterian incoming and Thanks for a great read, Farley..