The War is Over!
The War is Over!
By Farley Malorrus
I had a funny dream last night, so real, so vivid. I was stationed in Iraq as a soldier, a Sergeant I think. I started walking around Baghdad telling everyone the "War Was Over," and that we were pulling out. I couldn't believe the affect I had on all the soldiers as when I said this to everyone, they all started leaving Iraq!!!!
If only I had that kind of impact on the War?
Slowly but surely, peacefully, and consistently, ALL the Troops started to leave Iraq and board ships, planes, and trucks to leave. It was amazing, watching literally 1,000's of American and British soldiers leave. The dream was detailed, and intense, as slowly but surely all the American troops were finally GONE. I was sure they were gone, as I went all over the Whole country of Iraq looking for troops and could not find any. Instead, I found a stable Iraq, governing itself, with no insurgency whatsoever, peace, and no more War, including no more U.S. Troops, British Troops, Canadian Troops, and no more killing. It was so real to me, and for those familiar with the Tesla Purple Plate which I use as a dream generator when I sleep, the dream was quite real and vivid to the point that when I woke up, I did feel and totally believe that the war was in fact over, that we did vacate the country and that the country of Iraq was Okay when we left.
I like to share such things with people as it gives me hope that one day, "The War will be Over," and that as in Viet Nam, everything will be Okay in Iraq. I think is it American paranoia, and American propaganda that leads us to think differently, as in if we lost Viet Nam, that ALL OF SOUTHEAST Asia would fall, the Domino Theory, as it was called, NEVER HAPPENED.
Today, they lead us to believe we shall lose the Middle East and the war on terror if we leave Iraq, more paranoia, and American propaganda. If you check history you will see, that if we leave a country after we have done our business, that country usually ends up 'Okay,' as in Japan, Germany, Korea, and Viet Nam.
Just a thought, but I wanted to share this dream with you, as it bothers me we are still at war, and I am hopeful that one day soon, maybe it will end.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Farley Malorrus,
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