Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Moon Wobble Means Change BY Farley Malorrus

Moon Wobble equals Change..How is it going for you?

(Not everyone in the World freak out during a Moon Wobble, but a WHOLE BUNCH experience disappointment and letdown during this 28 day period)
By Farley Malorrus

Britney Spears shaves her head, Tony Blair is going to pull out of Iraq, Donald Trump threatens to shave his head if he loses a wrestling match, and life goes on.

Lots of disappointment, letdown, setbacks, misfires, miscues, and appointments broken or changed during the Moon Wobble. How is it going for you? Standard for me. I know this too well how so many people are unstable, unpredictable, undependable, and just not there for you during this time. I wasn't surprised that some people going crazy now, (Ray Liotta getting arrested for DUI), and Britney shaving her head. This is a very trying time, and people are freaking out. For me, I roll with the punches. Whatever way folks are before the Wobble is one thing, then when they get wacked out and disappear on you during the Wobble that's life.

Sometimes, I think mixing karma with another person is so complicated. I'll give you an example; this guy meets this gal on the Internet, and falls for her. He finds out when she calls that she lives with her Ex, her daughter, her daughters boyfriend and 9 cats and dogs.

Can you imagine being shy and having enough difficulty getting along with ONE person, then dealing with meeting the whole family and zoo and getting along with the bunch. That's typical for Moon Wobble, things just aren't the way they seem, and when you see the truth, or reality, sometimes it's too much and freaks you out.

I learned never EVER to have any expectations, because this Moon Wobble happens 4 times a year for 28 days each time, and trust me, it can literally nuke all your hopes and dreams each time, not to mention relationships.

Ever hear of those people who get married during a Moon Wobble and want a divorce months later? It doesn't always turn out the way you want it too.

The Moon Wobble happens when the SUN is in stress aspect, either at a right angle to, opposite, or eclipsing what we call the Moon Nodes, or an  invisible area of space where the Moon's poles are pointing, North being NOrth Pole of the Moon, and South being the South Pole. It was analyzed and discovered by an Astrologer over 35 years ago, and has proven to be one of the most precise of Astrological phenomena, so if you want to prove how Astrology works to someone, try to use the Wobble. All kinds of weird stuff happens during this period, which take 21 days to build, peaks at exact aspect, and 7 days to leave. I've seen some pretty weird stuff. Falling in love, then poof, buying or investing in something, and then thinking, "what have I done?" Meeting new people you adore, then they are gone. Meeting someone new in a relationship that goes poof. Signing contracts, writing books, stories, movies, screen plays that never get finished, or that end up having too many complications to produce. I love to track the Wobble and explain it to my associates, as I don't like to be fooled anymore, and I'm not surprised. OH, I got married, the one time I did, during a Moon Wobble Peak, and let me tell you, every single day of the 2.5 year marriage was a challenge and when it ended, it was like a soap opera gone bad. That is when I got into Astrology, to understand such things. Buying cars, boats, and RV's that turn into lemons, or maintenance issues ongoing. Houses that creak, and have glitches that never seem to go away.

It's darned odd how that Wobble affects the World. I laugh when World Leaders like Tony Blair make huge decisions right during the Wobble. We shall see if Britain lives up to it's plan to pull out or not. We shall see.

Well, here I am by Lake Keeowee in South Carolina, as I chose to spend this Wobble in a calm, safe, uncomplicated environment with few humans to let me down.

I hope you are having a good time this week, but be aware that things will be a bit unstable for at least 3 more weeks.
Live in Peace.

Farley Malorrus,

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