Friday, March 9, 2007

The Moon Wobble and FILING TAXES. By Farley Malorrus

The Moon Wobble and Filing Taxes

By Farley Malorrus

Here's a letter from our friend "Jeff," about the Moon Wobble and Income Taxes...

Hi Farley,

I enjoy reading your web site for your explanations and teachings on
astrology as well as your view of world happenings.  It is always very
enlightening.  I know lately you have been talking about the current moon
wobble and not to due anything major until it’s over but I have a question I
hope you can help answer for me.  Does the moon wobble affect filing a
persons tax returns? Should I hold off signing and sending them in until
Tuesday 3/13 or Wednesday 3/14?  Thank you so much and keep up the great


Jeff is absolutely RIGHT. Filing income taxes during Moon Wobble increases the chance of audits, mistakes, and contact from the Governments by 50% to 80%..I filed just before the Moon Wobble and highly suggest that everyone wait until after the current wobble is over, on March the 14, 2007.

You allow the Universe to make your tax return less obvious. The level of audits sky rocket during the Moon Wobble then settles down when it's over.

Our Cells have Miniature Universes in them, that define our Nature in the Astrology Chart,
By Farley Malorrus

Just to let you know, that EVERYTHING has a miniature Universe (Our Universe) in each of it's cells. All matter in this Universe is encoded with tiny Universes' in each atom. As yet undetected or discovered by our limited brain capacity, scientists are yet to unlock this "code." All Astrologers are quite familiar with the Cell Circuit that is encoded in all things when created. For example when a baby takes it's first breath of life in this realm apart from being in the womb, then it's cells all over it's body becomes encoded with the cell circuit of the Universe. That's how Astrology works. Our oneness is defined by the cell circuit we absorb at birth, our CHART. Each of us has billions of Universes in our bodies all our life. The distant Universe is basically too far to move from our point of view. What designs uniqueness is the immediate Universe or our Solar System. That is why Astrologers analyze the Sun, Moon, the Moons Node, and all the Planets in our system (including Pluto!), to understand our uniqueness, our chart, our karma, destiny, and separation from God as defined by the Natal Astrology Chart. It is never an accident that Astrologers can interpret this imprint on our cells and define our very natures. This wisdom has been passed down to us from the Ancients. Even the Ancient Jews knew about Astrology as defined in the Kaballah, and the 12 tribes of Israel each define a different sign in the Zodiac. All 12 tribes representing God. As One. We are One with God and one with the Universe. Our Natal Charts define our karma and separation from God giving us unique identities and Karma. That is why it is so powerful and embraced by the wisest and smartest people ever born! Only naive, ignorant folks would ignore the power of AStrology.
Heck, they thought the World was flat at one time, that man would never fly, and that we would never land on the Moon. One day the cell circuit will be defined too, but Astrologers know it is there. When you look up in the sky, you are looking at your self.

P.S. The 3 Wise Men were also Astrologers who charted the Star of Bethlehem configuration announcing the birth of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ. It saddens me, that some Christians try to make Astrology of Satan, when it is an active part of the Jewish and Christian religion. In fact, the largest Astrology Library in the World is in Vatican City. God Bless!

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