With the Moon firmly planted in Scorpio and the Sun, Venus, and Mars on the way in the next couple of days, expected emotions to run high all over. I pray that the world leaders will be able to handle the next 30 to 60 days, as the Scorpio transits are pivotal to World Peace and perhaps ending the wars going on all over.
First of all, the elections; I expect the Democrats to smash the opposition and the result will be a very unfriendly Congress with new majority leaders in both house and senate. I also expect many Governor's to change hands to Democrats, save California which (liberal Leaning) Arnold should retain. Still, I expect the advertising and in fighting to be quite heated up to election day.
In personal relationships, it's all about making love, not war, embracing the good relationship and nurturing it, or processing out the old, worn out, finished relationship that should have ended long ago, so Scorpio effect heals lots of wounds here, opens some, but offers closure or war for many. I prefer closure and moving on in peace, over fighting and conflict, don't you?
The Sun, Venus, and Mars will all be at a right angle or a SQUARE in geometry to the planet Uranus this month, which could offer some shock changes, surprise bombings, domestic terrorist activity (actually would be a surprise, but I expect it), and sudden change through violence. Frankly, this is not a happy or friendly aspect, and keeping things on an even keel, negotiating, communicating, loving, and embracing those you care for during this time will offer solace and reconciliation or closure. Usually, because Scorpio also rules death, I have found lots of people I have known, and a large percentage of my family dies during this (Scorpio) time, so I always tell people to take care of themselves in November, see a doctor if you have symptoms and try to avoid unnecessary falls and accidents. Auto accidents could be at an all time high this month, so drive like everyone else is an idiot and you will be okay. Scorpio rules secrets and secrets meetings, so I'm also expecting some very shocking revelations to come out, some perhaps having to do with our President, or Secretary of Defense.. I'd love to see that. So, remember, we are all affected by the Scorpio movement, so go easy, count to 10, love the one's your with, and move on from those who have become outdated, boring, or just not the way they usedto be. Honesty wins here. Have a blessed week, and thanks for reading my journal
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Most Sincerely,
Farley Malorrus www.radioastrology.com
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