(For my Sister and others, this post does not refer to ALL VIRGO, PISCES, GEMINI, and Sag, but Ana Nicole Smith is a Sag and she had a bad week, she died, but fyi, I never ever refer to ALL OF ANY Sign when commenting about transits, thank you)(You know I want all of you to have GOOD TIMES, but I just report the aspects as I see them, now THINK POSITIVE!!! It helps)
Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius, stress Transits
By Farley Malorrus
Right now we have 3 planets in PISCES; Mercury, Venus, and Uranus. They are in a stress aspect, or right angle which is 90 degrees (Plus or minus 8), to Jupiter in Sagittarius, and soon, tomorrow at 12 Noon, (2/12/07) the Moon will be in Sagittarius eclipsing Jupiter!
This could be the most stressful day of the year for ANYONE with VIRGO, PISCES, SAGITTARIUS, and GEMINI Planets, including the Sun Signs. The Moon Wobble starts in 5 days which will be quite unsettling for the World and perhaps World Economy for 28 days, but for the moment, Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius, and Gemini need to be aware, alert, cautious, and prepared to make construction in their lives, change, adaptation, and enought mettle to complete whatever it is they are going through. Needless to say, this can be quite a depressing time, in case you know or in case you are Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, or Pisces, and I would suggest TAKE THE DAY OFF TOMORROW, or better yet, TAKE THE WHOLE WEEK OFF, if you can.
I have had reports of all kinds of problems with people who have these planets, including health issues, home issues, issues with children, family, parents, career, finances, relationships, and overall stress levels.
This is not a time to over indulge in drugs, alcohol, or presciption medication for pain or sedation.
I noticed this aspect when giving a consultation to one of my Pisces clients today who had planned on going in for a medical test tomorrow, but changed her mind after I looked at this unusual aspect.
I for one am not the bearer of gloom and doom, but the author of needed construction, detox, completion, confrontation, and negotiation in one's life when they are going through issues, Karma, or need for reconciliation.
I am nervous aboutthe economy due to the tons of foreclosures coming, and someone said there would be 1,000's of these forclosures nationwide, besides the fact that unemployment may soar. This is definitely a time to stick together, and to prepare for needed adaptation and construction in one's life.
Farley Malorrus, www.radioastrology.com
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