Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Astrology was something I knew nothing about until 1976 when I took a class and got a chart finished. It explained "everything" to me.

1. My dad is a Cancer with Sagittarius rising and has been 'yelling' at everyone his whole life, water sign with fire rising, makes sense. My Mom is a workaholic, always worrying, and a fanatic with balance in her life. She has Mars in Libra in the 6th house (like Virgo), and my Dad has Mars in Taurus in the 6th house. I was raised by 2 people with Mars in the 6th. My childhood was like the Marines! Astrology finally explained that.

2. My ex wife was gay and had Mars in Virgo (typical Lesbian aspect), with Venus in Gemini (also typical) and a Leo Rising, kind of bossy.

3. I have always been oversensitive, when I found out I had Venus in Cancer with a Scorpio Moon, that explained it.

4. Timing situations, when to buy, when to not, when to start something, when to stop; watching the moon cycles, knowing when planets seem to go backward or retrograde in the sky, Moon wobbles, Square and Opposition geometrical aspects to planets in the sky. Since I got my timing down, almost everything goes smooth in my life since the 70's! Can you imagine that?

5. Dating and relationships karma; by analyzing a man's moon, venus, rising, and a woman's mars, venus rising you can pretty much tell what state of karma their love energy is, and whether or not you are compatible to them. IT works every time, and may be the #1 reason why I never remarried, (No body is perfect!)

6. Understanding World Leaders, celebrities, political, disasters, catastrophes; I have always been a stickler for figuring out why someone is famous, or why they are elected President, or when a certain earthquake or catastrophe will happen, and it's easy to find out all that when you know what to look for. The planet Uranus usually rules 'fame' in our birth chart and also earthquakes in the moving transit chart. It has helped me understand human nature quite a bit!

7. Health Situations, surgeries, accidents, premature death and dying; I find that some people are in the hospital quite a bit (like My Mom and Dad with Mars in the health house, the 6th, Dad has had tons of applications, Mom also, and they see a doctor every week or 2); others never seem to need a hospital surgery or even see a doctor.The Astrology birth chart lays out for you your health karma, debt to the body, and lessons you go through with your health. It never seems to amaze me how people have more health karma with planets in the 6th house or in Virgo. Thank God I have no planets in the 6th or in Virgo, knock on wood, for good health!

8. I have used Astrology since the 70's to read people better, understand their energies, their karma, where they are coming from, where they are going to, what their intent is, what their agenda is, honesty factors, loyalty factors, honorable factors, and just about everything. I have to tell you when trying to relate to co workers, bosses, clients, family, friends, or even someone I'm on a first date with, Astrology has saved me a lot of time and heartache because it always defines someone's uniqueness. Nothing is really wrong with everyone; as everyone is just different, and the Astrology chart is like a signature for the soul. I love it!

9. It's great to check when the best time is to travel, or fly, or take a train, and making sure the planets in your horoscope are not in an accident stress aspect when you are traveling.

10. Career changes, goals, and areas of study best suited for you are designed by your Astrology Chart.

11. Spiritual, religious, and connection to God are also easily readable in the chart.

12. Enemies, self undoing, dreams, evolution, metamorphosis, and you life path are all readily available by understanding Astrology.

So, ever since my divorce in the 70's (Bad choices), I feel I have had a great edge by learning and mastering Astrology, and that is why I chose to teach and share all I have learned with whomever wishes to learn it. On my server, www.radioastrology.com  there are complete courses in Astrology on audio, that are FREE BY DONATION, that allow you to hear me channel the easy path to understanding Astrology and mastering it's techniques, energies, and applications. It's not as difficult as you think, if it is something you are meant to know, it will be a natural for you. It's just Planets in Signs, and geometrical aspects between them. That's all it is. Simple locations and math is what it is all about. Try to drop by my server and give a listen, especially during the day with headphones while you work. It's commercial free!

Have a great day everyone, and a great week. I'm off to Canada tomorrow, and listen to me tonight on XZONE RADIO, with Rob McConnell, www.xzone-radio.com  at 10pm PST, or 1am EST...

Farley Malorrus, www.radioastrology.com



Anonymous said...

Leo/ AC here and it literally took a bump on the head to *wake* me up to Esoteric astrology and the energetic  story found in the planets. Why ? Who knows...;->) but that's how it unrolled in my life.
I have learned to love Saturn. A planet which so often scares people. Saturn provides us a durability and I've found that with all my water...saturn seems to keep my molecules intact. ;->). Provide me the "shoulder to the wheel " ability .
Interesting thing about the gay aspect of Mars/Virgo , Venus / Gem. On the face of it...it makes energetic sense.
Keep writing, Farley ! Great read !

Peace to all who visit this place !


Anonymous said...

That's so absolutely neat! that's the coolest thing i saw all day! Can you find love by understanding your horoscope and the astrological zodiac sign under which you were born? Many people believe strongly in the ‘fit’ or match of astrological and horoscope signs.

<a href="http://www.astrologyquestions.com/horoscope/love-horoscope.html">horoscope, astrology</a>