Friday, October 13, 2006

Truth Be Known By Farley Malorrus

Truth be known, since I started this blog I have 'automatically' typed most of it. Whenever I talk subjects, spirit, ancient knowledge, spirit guides, life and death, Astrology, numerology, or any of the sacred knowledge, I am channeling it. I don't like to admit this too often, but I'm being told I must this evening, as I am channeling what you are reading. The phenomena is that I type about 60wpm and that I just let come out what comes out. Sometimes words are capped and my higher self believes they SHOULD be, so I abandon the rules of grammar and punctuation in favor of whatever the spirit dictates. I have been spirit driven all of my life, even when I was 4, and saw myself at this age, middle age, all the time, looking into the future of my adulthood, and never quite grasping what it was. I feel I am blessed and surrounded with visions, miracles, guides, God, Jesus, and sacred Angels, who support my dream and mission of World Peace, and Higher Awareness for human beings on this planet, so that the violence and killing will stop. I will continue to channel my higher self in this blog to promote all the topics I channeled on L.A. radio, that can be heard at no charge except by donation (reserved for what is known as generous folks, and those that know what TITHING is.) In this way, you can get a better grasp of the Ancient knowledge that I channeled and see it if aligns with certain logical insight your own higher self must embrace. This is THE TIME IN EARTH HISTORY, THIS Millennia and NEXT when the human race must choose between Death, Doom, and Apocalypse, or HIGHER BRAIN CAPACITY, of 50% or more, AUTHENTIC LOVE, FAMILY OF MAN, and GOD INSIDE US ALL.

It is my intent to help promote this energy, because I believe in LIFE, I believe in GOD, and I believe in PEOPLE, and want the world to be free of tyranny, terrorism, murder, WAR, and violence. I say NOW, that anyone that would wage war on his brother, or any other human, ANYONE THAT WOULD KILL FOR ANY REASON is committing the worst sin imaginable, as HUMAN LIFE IS SACRED!!! I Repeat HUMAN LIFE IS SACRED, and not one single drop of blood need be shed. Should the human race survive it's test in the next 20 years, then this time, this part of history, the last 9,000 years will be looked upon (including now, and especially now since World War II) as a BARBARIC, BLOODY, PREDATORY, LOW CONSCIOUSNESS, RETARDED, MIND RESTRICTED, and CONSCIOUSNESS RESTRICTED time. This period will be looked upon as a time we are subject to MIND CONTROL by the few, and the rest acting like SHEEP. When we are all ONE, all have GOD INSIDE US, and need not be controlled every by anyone, any country, or any leader!

Nuff Said. Osiris channeled by Farley Malorrus

To hear my 127 topics, please go to and TITHE to the SERVER so that RICHES BEFALL YOU, and I SO DECREE if you support our server, prosperity shall reign upon you. THAT IS HOW IT WORKS. MONEY You give out, comes back to you 1,000 fold. THAT IS HOW TITHING WORKS!

Thanks for reading My Blog, and and LOVE TO YOU ALL.
I have faith we can save this PLANET. Please open your mind.

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